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6. Initiating Verifications

To initiate a verification, you will need two key elements: a token and launch configurations.

  • Generate a Token: The first step is to generate a token for verification. You can find information on how to generate a token here

  • Launch configurations: The SDK provides two configurations — Regular and Stripped — to control the flow of the verification process. Each configuration also requires you to set an SdkMode and, in some cases, a CameraOption.

1. Stripped configuration​

The Stripped configuration offers a minimalistic flow with just two screens: a loading screen and a camera capture screen. This streamlined approach allows for faster verifications.

When using the Stripped configuration, you must specify:

  • SdkMode: Determines whether to run a full KYC verification or a Liveness-only check. The available modes are:

    • SdkMode.KYC: Default mode for full KYC verification.
    • SdkMode.LIVENESS: For Liveness-only verification.
  • CameraOption: Allows you to specify the camera to be used (either FRONT or BACK).

Here’s how to create the intent for launching the SDK in Stripped mode:

val intent = Metric.createStartIntent(
token = "token here...",
launchConfiguration = LaunchConfiguration.Stripped(
sdkMode = SdkMode.KYC, // or SdkMode.LIVENESS
cameraOption = CameraOption.FRONT // or CameraOption.BACK

2. Regular Configuration​

The Regular Configuration provides a more comprehensive, user-friendly experience. It includes:

  • Capture Instructions: Guides users on how to capture the images properly.

  • Preview Screens: Allows users to view and recapture images if necessary.

  • Auto-recapture: Automatically attempts to recapture if the images do not meet standards.

  • Permission Handling: Manages permission denial scenarios for smoother operation.

Here’s how to create the intent for launching the SDK in Regular mode:

val intent = Metric.createStartIntent(
token = "token here...",
launchConfiguration = LaunchConfiguration.Regular(
sdkMode = SdkMode.KYC // or SdkMode.LIVENESS
//The camera selection is automatically handled by the SDK.

Launching the SDK​

Once you've generated a token and chosen your configuration (Stripped or Regular), you can launch the SDK using the following code:

private const val METRIC_SDK_REQUEST_CODE: Int = 99
startActivityForResult(intent, METRIC_SDK_REQUEST_CODE)