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6. Initializing the SDK

Authenticator (MetricAuthenticator)

The MetricAuthenticator class is used to provide authentication keys to the SDK. For the Metric SDK, the ClientAuthenticator variant is used.

In your Application class (typically named App), you should call the Metric.init(...) method to initialize the SDK. Here's an example:

class App : Application() {
override fun onCreate() {

metricSettings = BasicMetricSettings(
applicationContext = this,
authenticator = {
clientKey = "...",
secretKey = "..."
environment = Environment.Dev
In this code snippet:
  • clientKey and secretKey are authentication keys that you need to obtain (you would typically retrieve these from your Metric SDK account).

The environment parameter in the Metric.init(...) call specifies the environment your app is operating in:

  • Environment.Dev: This indicates the development environment. Use this when you're testing and debugging your app.
  • Environment.Prod: This indicates the production environment. When you're ready to release your app to users, use this environment setting.