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Getting Started with the Liveness Check SDK

The Liveness Check Service is a specialized tool designed for businesses that need to ensure the user interacting with their application is genuinely present at the time of transactions.

⚡️ Quickly and accurately assess the liveness of your customers to prevent fraud and ensure that the person engaging with your service is not an imposter.

⚡️Leverage advanced algorithms to detect real-time presence, providing an added layer of security to your business.

Key Differences from Full Service:

  • Purpose: The Liveness Check Service focuses solely on confirming that the user is physically present during the transaction, whereas the Full Service includes comprehensive KYC verification, assessing identity and credibility.
  • Use Cases: The Liveness Check Service is perfect for businesses that need to quickly confirm user presence to prevent impersonation and fraud, without the need for detailed identity verification processes.

For a complete KYC solution, including identity verification and compliance, the Full Service is recommended.